Current Campaign: Iskitaan:The Regency Wars Iskitaan's latest iteration.
Primary rule book is Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, 2nd Edition by Fantasy Flight Games.
Secondary rule book is WFRP Career Compendium by Fantasy Flight Games.
Additional resources will be added as necessary.
WFRP Movement rates translated to feet
Fate Points - You can spend 100 xp to buy a fate point IF and only if you are currently at 0 FP. Otherwise, FPs will be awarded as a GM bonus. You may only have a maximum number of FP equal to your starting FPs +1.
Horses - I'm using Garry & Susan Stahl's Gaming the Horse article, modified with some WFRP specific rules found here
Rules for Half Elves can be found here
Rules for those with Elven Blood in their ancestry can be found here
Age Chart Comparison for various races
Skills & Talents
Three Skills - Academic Knowledge, Common Knowledge and Speak Language are going to be different from the WFRP base book, obviously because of the background. Details for those changes can be found on the following pages
Fumbles - I'm using a derivative of the Critical Fumble Rules found in the WFRP 1e GameMaster's Pack.
Campaign specific notes for various careers: Champion
Most of the basic and advanced careers in the core book and the Career Compendium are available. The following are known exceptions:
Minor Changes
- Estalian Diestro – Mersone Epéiste
- Change Common Knowledge (Estalia) to Common Knowledge (Mersone)
- Change Speak Language (Estalia) to Speak Language (Mersone)
- Kislevite Kossar – Gem Coast Warrior
- Change Common Knowledge (Kislev) to Common Knowledge (Gem Coast)
- Change Speak Language (Kislevian) to Speak Language (Dwarven)
- Kithband Warriorn – Silv Warrior
- Norse Berserker- Berserker
- Drop Common Knowledge (Norsca) and Speak Language (Norsca) skills
- Carcasonne Shepard – Andega Shepard
- Scourge of God – Dexterian or Corvusian Fanatic
- Must worship Dexter Corvus, either as a Desterian or a Corvusian
- Steppes Nomad – Aratec Nomad
- Verenean Investigator – Cerelian Investigator
Needs Conversion
- Grail Knight
- Grail Pilgrim
- Grandmaster
- Hag Mother
- Killer of the Dead
- Knight of the Blazing Sun
- Knight of the Raven
- Knight of the Realm
- Knight of the Verdant Field
- Knight Panther
- Questing Knight
- Strigany Mystic
- Winged Lancer
(doesn’t fit setting)
- Agent of the Shroud
There may be others, as I have not reviewed all. Some of the above may be available later, after they've been tweaked for Iskitaan. I am reviewing the Old World Equipment Guide for inclusion as well. —-
Past Campaigns
- Iskitaan: The Black Company - AD&D
- Iskitaan: Companions of Light - WFRP 1st edition
- Iskitaan: Disciples of Ascension - D&D 3rd edition
- Iskitaan: Blood of Legends - WFRP 2nd edition
There have been various one off and short adventures as well, the bulk of these used AD&D or WFRP 2nd edition