Size: | 79525 square miles |
Civilization: | 26508 square miles |
Wilderness: | 53017 square miles |
Population Density: | 60 people per square mile |
Total Population: | 4771500 people |
Rural Population: | 3261826 people |
Urban Population: | 78224 people |
Isolated Population: | 1431450 people |
Government Notes
Government Type: Monarchy, Hereditary, Oldest Child
Current Ruler: Nuala Pavyer
Cultural Notes:
Notable Information:
The port city of Briesingdon is built upon stone quays and wooden piers in a bay surrounded almost completely by stone cliffs, with one narrow path hewn up to the forests above. Breisingdon is rumored to be the last known location of the Gem of Adul, a magical diamond that the ancient wizard Anthony Adul used to create the Watchtowers of Adul in ancient Enshalla.
Recent construction to add another quay to the city has unearthed a previously unknown shipwreck, which has led to rumors that the gem may be found soon.
Urban Population Centers:
- Dorel (pop: 34950) (Capitol)
- Desun (pop: 10485)
- Briesingdon (pop: 8912)