The Mythos of Iskitaan
Iskitaan was created when the god Rama scooped a huge hole in the substance of the universe to protect his mortal creations (Dragons, Elves, Humans, Dwarves and Halflings) from his evil brother Kram. Kram was jealous of the attentions the mortals gave Rama, and when the mortals would not worship him too, he began to destroy them. Kram even created mortal creatures of his own (Orcs, Goblins, Wyverns, Trolls and Ogres) to assist him. Rama finally won the war between he and his brother, and managed to lock his brother away, where he couldn’t harm mortals. Rama spent much of his power securing his brothers prison, but with what remained he divided himself into the rest of the gods to help protect and guide his mortal creatures. Other, less benevolent Gods are vestiges of Kram’s power that didn’t get locked away with him. The power of any individual god can vary depending upon the faith of his/her followers. For many years under the second Dark Emperor's reign, while the worship of Rama was outlawed, his power was very weak (though still mightier than that of any mortal or immortal).
The Gods of Iskitaan
Chala - Goddess of Life and Healing
Knorr - God of Death and the Afterlife
Kram - He whose name is not spoken. God of Orcs, Trolls, Goblins, Ogres and other creatures of chaos. The evil one Rama trapped to protect the mortal creatures of the universe.
Rama - Grandfather of the gods, creator of the universe. Rama’s basic tenet is “To everything there must be balance.”
Cercelebsal - God of Elves
Gromm - God of Dwarves
Cerelia - Goddess of Justice, Protector of Innocence
Dexter - God of Lies, Deceit, Rogues and Ambition. The two-faced god.
Ascending Mortals
Those mortals of legend who may end up ascending to godhood as they gain worshippers
Valanthe - patron of Knowledge.
Genevieve - daughter of Love, Sword's Living Child, patron of lovers.
The Lords of War - a diverse group of legendary warriors who have become patrons of warriors & soldiers.
The Old Gods
Those gods who's worshipers and power has waned.
Larrid - God of Lies and Deceit
The Religious Institutions of Iskitaan
In addition to temples and shrines to each of the gods of Iskitaan, there are several organizations that either encompass more than one religion, have additional purposes, or are not recognized as official religions.
The Sisters of Life - an order of women who dedicate themselves to both Rama and Chala. They are teachers and healers, sworn never to take a life.
The Order of the Dragon’s Flame - A Templar Order of Knights dedicated to protecting the priests and priestesses of Rama and Chalaa.
The Cerelians - a group that worships the woman known as the Angel of Death as the goddess of justice and retribution. They also see her as a protector of innocence, and an alternate god of the afterlife.
The Dexterians - a group that worships Dexter Corvus, in his aspect as the god of Theives and Rogues
The Corvusians - a group that worships Dexter Corvus in his aspect as the god of Ambition and Success.
The Children of Genevieve - a group that worships Genevieve Soards as the goddess of love.
The Valanthians - a group that worships Valanthe Laidon as the goddess of knowledge.
Constellations - The constellations of Iskitaan's Night Sky