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The Magic of Mountain & Sea

Size: 19610 square miles
Civilization: 5447 square miles
Wilderness: 14163 square miles
Population Density: 50 people per square mile
Total Population: 980500 people
Rural Population: 588676 people
Urban Population: 29624 people
Isolated Population: 392200 people

Government Notes

Government Type: Monarchy, Selection Process Current Ruler: Gholson Hallard

Cultural Notes:

Notable Information

In the hills north of the road to Amador lie a set of limestone caves that were once home to a thriving monastery dedicated to Rama. When the first Dark Emperor Amadis came to power, he had the priests and monks within massacred, and the cave entrances sealed. To this day the caves remain empty, a monument to the tragic lost of pious lives lost there. It is rumored that a particularly nasty species of wasp have taken up residence there.

Urban Population Centers:

  1. Greycove (pop: 12872) (Capitol)

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