Size: | 63397 square miles |
Civilization: | 15849 square miles |
Wilderness: | 47548 square miles |
Population Density: | 45 people per square mile |
Total Population: | 2852865 people |
Rural Population: | 2229252 people |
Urban Population: | 53040 people |
Isolated Population: | 570573 people |
Government Notes
Government Type: Monarchy, Appointed Heir
Current Ruler: Govind Hornor
Cultural Notes:
- 3 Octyn Caravan Day
Notable Information
Iskitaan’s Finest Equines
Aratec is known all over southern Iskitaan as breeding and training the finest warhorses anywhere. While Aratec hasn’t been directly involved in any large war since the 2nd Dark Emperor was overthrown, the nobles and gentlemen of this nation have prided themselves on raising and training the best. Even though even the Reunification Wars didn’t reach their borders, many of their horses were provided to the officers of the High Kings army, gallantly clad in his green and yellow barding. They are also prized among members of the Order of the Dragon's Flame.
Aratec horses are generally of heavy stock, typically standing 18-19 hands high, and of brown or black coloration. The hills and valleys of Aratec lend themselves well to raising horses with both muscle and endurance. Three or four times a year, all of the nobles of Aratec get together, usually in Aldenrook to hold tournaments and contests, both to test their skill and to show off that of the horses they’ve trained. These contests include all manor of jousting and horse races. At harvest time each year, the King of Aratec sponsors a caravan to one of the coastal cities of their neighboring countries, where some of the horses are sold to buyers from all over Iskitaan, fetching some of the highest prices seen.
Urban Population Centers:
- Aldenrook (pop: 21957) (Capitol)